Further training as a fish sommelier / fish sommelière IHK (Part 2 incl. examination)
September 15 - September 19
4.500€ plus 250€ examination feesKnowledge about fish and seafood is becoming increasingly comprehensive and cannot be taught in all its complexity in any of the professions related to fish. With the further training to become a fish sommelier with a Chamber of Industry and Commerce qualification, the versatility of fish and seafood is addressed in its entirety. The trained fish sommelier is a professional contact person and advisor on all theoretical and practical questions relating to fish and seafood.
Depending on previous knowledge and the profession practiced or aspired to, the following goals may be given:
" Having a head start in professional life
" Deepen and expand specialist knowledge, in-depth further training
" To be able to offer competent and technically sound advice " To be able to optimize purchasing and/or preparation
" Optimize enjoyment for the guest
As a participant in this seminar, you will learn about the special features of fish as a foodstuff, from production to processing and preparation through to recommending it to customers. The training focuses on product knowledge, fish sensory analysis and quality testing and recognition. The seminar has a high level of practical sensory relevance. In self-study with prescribed reading, a considerable part of the theoretical product knowledge must be learned for the written examination. Once you have successfully passed the exam, you will be able to immediately apply the knowledge you have acquired in your professional environment, giving you a head start in your career. Only people who already have many years of professional experience, the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical experience with fish and seafood can become a fish sommelier with an IHK qualification.
The project sponsor is Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG with its Transgourmet Seafood Academy based in Bremerhaven.
Cooperation partners are the Bremen Chamber of Commerce - IHK for Bremen and Bremerhaven, ttz Bremerhaven and FischMagazin.
Dates 2024:
- Part 1: March 04-07, 2024
- Part 2 incl. exam: September 16-20, 2024
Dates 2025:
- Part 1: March 10-14, 2025
- Part 2 incl. exam: September 15-19, 2025
Max. number of participants per course: 26
Costs from 2025: 4.500€ plus 250 € examination fees
Interested? How to register
Registration and application to become a fish sommelier with an IHK qualification takes place in two steps.
You send a short letter of motivation (letter of application) and a CV of no more than one page to FischMagazin
Contact person:
André Nikolaus (Editor-in-Chief)
FishMagazine editorial team
At the Alster 21
20099 Hamburg
Phone: 040 248454-17 I Fax: 040 28037-88
E-mail: andre.nikolaus@snfachpresse.de
- Why do you want to take part in the course? Motivation?
- What qualifications do you have? Please enclose supporting documents.
- Why should we choose you?
- Which course are you registering for?
26 participants are selected from the group of applicants and waiting lists are created if necessary.
You will receive feedback from FischMagazin as to whether you can take part in a course or whether you are on the waiting list.
Further information will be provided by the Transgourmet Seafood Academy upon admission to the training course.